Air Pollution Data Hub Fold
· What is Air Pollution Data Hub?
The Air Pollution Data Hub (APDH) is a user-friendly web application for data visualization and analysis to explore air pollution datasets. It gives you access to air quality data collected at outdoor monitors. The data comes primarily from the
·How does it work?
PDH lets you display monitored air pollution annual concentration data, AQI data, and speciated particle pollution data. It is very easy to use, you can choose from several ways of looking at the data:
- investigate monitor locations using an interactive map
- create graphical displays using one of the visualization tools
Year / Month

Year :
City (Select up to 3 cities) :
Pollutant :
City :
Pollutant :

Use the Interactive Data to get air pollution information about certain cities or regions. You can also select which year/month and air pollutant to display on the map. APDH uses Technical Regulation on Ambient Air Quality Index (on trial) (HJ 633−2012) by National Environmental Protection Standard of the People’s Republic of China as the reference to display data.

This part of this App provides a way to generate air quality analysis based on parameters you select. You can select Year, City (up to 3), and Pollutant as parameters to plot the data. For each dataset, it is available for a line chart for daily averages, the visualization can be used for checking data interactively.

This part is used to perform analysis and visualization on the air quality data. You can select City and Pollutant to generate the descriptive analysis and plots. Time Series provides a line chart to show the trend of air quality among years. Monthly Averages shows a bar chart for the averages of pollutants. You can select the year for the bar chart also by clicking the year.